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Viking Whorl Rings: Have Documentation, Will Ship

Cailleach Dhe

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Artisans Rally. Trimaris in Need. Extent Find.

Materials: ​Anodized Aluminum Wire 16swg, Half-hard

East Kingdom Largess May 2017 , Trimaris largess August 2018, East Kingdom largess December 2018

"Rally the artisans... A Kingdom is in need!" -Facebook post

One dozen handmade Viking Whorl Rings donated to Trimaris largess, based on an outpouring of love, and donated to the Crown. Reproductions made using half-hard 16 gauge aluminum wire.

Photos, left to right:

East Kingdom largess, December 2018

Packed for giving - close-up of Cailleach's rings, Trimaris largess, August 2018

Extent example from British Museum collection

​Historical Information on extent find:


Object: type finger-ring

Museum number: 1995,0102.180


Silver wire spiral finger-ring with coiled bezel.

Culture/period Anglo-Saxon

Date 5thC (late) - 7thC (early)


---Excavated/Findspot: Buckland, Grave 250 Cemetery (Europe,United Kingdom, England, Kent, Dover, Buckland (Dover))




---Diameter: 25 millimetres

---Weight: 2.2 grammes


---Donated by: Orbit Housing Association

---Excavated by: Canterbury Archaeological Trust biography

---Acquisition date 1995

---Acquisition notes Excavated June - September 1994

Department Britain, Europe and Prehistory

Registration number 1995,0102.180

Bibliography Parfitt and Anderson 2012 399 bibliographic details

---Location Not on display d=1341148&partId=1&searchText=saxon+ring&images=true&page=1


 © 2020-2024 by Lady Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain, O.S.W., O.S.B., O.S.C.

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