The Arts, Sciences & Services of
The Honorable Lady Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain
Art as Service: My SCA Exploration.
Service for Kingdom & Society

Art as Service and Expression
"It's OK to talk about yourself. It's not bragging if it's true."
-A Very Wise Peer of the East Kingdom
I absolutely hate talking about myself, or drawing attention to myself. Oftimes, you'll find me behind the scenes or in a corner with a small group of friends, rather than immersed in a crowd.
I came to the S.C.A. in 2013, and what I found were people who were welcoming, giving, encouraging and absolutely invested in this Game we all so love. This has inspired me to do the same, and most importantly, be the type of person we all wanted and needed upon joining the S.C.A... even if I'm still a bit quiet when I do so ;)
I had been searching for what my specific goal was within our Society, our Kingdom, and recently realized that my path is full of wandering and whimsy, along with service and organization. There is no straight line when one is looking to grow: be it in life or within our game, and this is OK!
My personal history has background in retail management, human resources, owning and running an artistic business, as well as being a certified educator. This has allowed me to use my talents and knowledge to explore a vast array of both service and arts & sciences.
As quiet a wall-flower as I can be, since joining my former Shire, I have been our Chatelaine, after which I completed three years of being Seneschal. I have organized, liaised and taught classes with our local town on behalf of our Shire, been autocrat of three demos, retained for a number of royals, coordinated merchants for an event, and I was also a merchant at a few events with my chainmaille business. The Summer of 2020 found me in the midst of picking up my entire life and moving to the Barony of Buckland Cross, where I have stepped in to help with events, and volunteered to be our Deputy Exchequer.
So while I thought I was doing Service for Service, in speaking with others, I realize that I also incorporate my Art as Service. I have created largess for our East Kingdom and Trimaris, and West Kingdom, wove a rainbow colored Pride Chain for a Royal's Pelican medallion, designed and woven Silver Brooches and Merovingian Silver Wheels for deserving individuals, I created 200 site tokens for a Kingdom event hosted by my Shire, I have donated multiple chainmaille sun-catchers, a dream-catcher, made lampwork beads for projects given to House Runnymede, also made beads for a Pennsic Mayor to use as thank you tokens, and donated a newly learned stained glass artwork on behalf of the East Kingdom Royals' travel fund. I taught a class on creating Roman Jewelry with our local Town, and will hopefully be teaching chainmaille at Pennsic XLX University, as well.
This is to speak nothing of the Art for art's sake, and art is what keeps me sane: Lamp-working (my hook into the Society), a chainmaille Jayne-Chain hat based on a period coif, creating some of the garb that I wear, block printing, hand-sewing tiny costumes for foxes at a neighboring Shire's annual event, repoussé and chasing on copper, pewter casting, kumihimo, Viking wire weaving (trinchonopoly), inkle weaving, finger-loop braiding... I am working on producing more historical pieces, so that I truly am doing Art as Art.
The list goes on, and I hope you'll share this journey with me as I grow under the guidance of Dame Ysmay de Lynn, Order of The Pelican.