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Left To My Own Device: Shire of Old Stonebridges Badge

Cailleach Dhe

Gifting. Sculpting. Pewter.

Materials: ​Sculpey clay, MoldMax silicone, R98 Pewter, tools

My gift to my Shire, November 2020

"Many years in the making."

Time gets away from us all, doesn't it? Never did I imagine, way back in 2013 that I would find a community, home, and family by going to a local event. It seems like just a few minutes ago that I started my journey with the SCA, and a blink of an eye since stepping up into the Office of Seneschal for my Shire in 2017. Never would I have thought we would take the Shire from incipient to full status under my guidance. I spent three years in the role, guided and supported by the most wonderful of people. Despite road-blocks, rainy demos, pandemic shut-downs, do-overs and all, we came together to build a Shire so strong, that it can never be broken. Never did I think I would move to lands far away as my third year as Seneschal came to a close... but a part of me will always be Old Stonebridges.

All of this came to be, and I am ever-so-fortunate for it. My gratitude is so great, that I could never give back as much as I have gotten. It is with this spirit in mind, that I created a hand-sculpted, hand-cast pewter badge for each member of Old Stonebridges to wear either as a pendant or pin.

I only wish that I could have given them to each of you with a hug attached.

To learn about my artistic process, please read:


 © 2020-2024 by Lady Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain, O.S.W., O.S.B., O.S.C.

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