Chainmaille. Donation. Fundraising.
Materials: Anodized and Bright Aluminum Jump Rings, Stainless Steel Hoop
Private travel funds efforts for TRM: Vienna & Wilhelm 2017, Fortune & Ozurr 2018, Margarita 2019, Alberic & Tindal 2020
"I offer unto you, the chance to catch your Dreams" -Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain
I am fortunate in that I have many artistic talents, and one that found me through tragedy was chainmaille. The tragedy is losing some functionality in my right (formerly dominant) wrist due to injury. The blessing is all that learning chainmaille has brought me: functionality, a new outlet of artistic creativity, strength, a registered business, and lastly, a friend who saw a need and requested I be the one to fill it.
Work in progress page
Original design by HyperLynks
#SCA #EastKingdom #ArtAsService #Chainmaille #Dreamcatcher #SunCatcher #GetTwisted