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Seahorse in Force

Cailleach Dhe

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

Elevation. Elation. Heraldry.

Lampwork glass seahorse beads/tokens made for Arabella de Mere

"I've got tokens covered!" -Lady Cailleach

Lampworking was one of my main hooks into the SCA. I was fortunate enough to learn the basics from another SCAdian in 2013, and then took a modern class where they learned from. Life brought me other artforms in the interim, but as of about a year ago, I started sitting at the torch once again. I treated myself to new glass colors, and tools to expand my capabilities. In my search, I found a seahorse bead press that was almost PERFECT for my dearest friend's heraldry, and so I saved the link. Fast forward to August 10th of this year: Arabella was getting her Laurel! Oh happy day! Clickity-click, I ordered the tool, with a request for the maker... could the seahorse face the other direction? YES!

I offered Arabella 50 token beads, as with so many life changes, I didn't want to make a promise I couldn't keep. I started my work, but the ends weren't fully rounded, and the edges were squishing right out of the press. I nearly gave up, with the tight timeframe, and being so busy with my modern teaching career, and responsibilities. I knew I needed help to get these just right. To begin, a bead of a certain shape, using just the right amount of glass needed to be on the mandrel. As I'm still relatively new to lampworking, I enlisted the help from Mistress Lissa Underhill to help me determine what that looked like. She showed me and I had it ready to go. I changed colors from a deep cobalt to a light lapis to boost contrast. I only had twelve mandrels of this size, so I batch flamed over multiple days. I likely pressed 100 or more to get these complete 50. Some are perfect, and some are proof of progress, but each and every one are made with love, and sealed with a jingle bell.

I am so very proud of you, Arabella, and I'm so happy I could be there to help you with your day. I wish you joy and growth as you foster those around you in your new role. <3


 © 2020-2024 by Lady Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain, O.S.W., O.S.B., O.S.C.

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