Pennsic LI War Point Team, 2024. Norway Beads and Chain.
Materials: COE 104 Glass, .999 Fine Silver Wire, .925 Sterling Silver Wire
This bead and chain set has been such a whirlwind adventure for me. I have learned more about glassworking than I even have words to realize. I have been honored with entering it in myriad competitions, each time adding to my knowledge and documentation:
-Rose Tournament, representing Countess Natavia
-War of the Roses 2023
-East Kingdom A&S Competition 2024
-East Kingdom Baronial Champions at Pennsic 2024, representing Barony of Buckland Cross
-Pennsic War Point Team, representing the East Kingdom 2024.
My updated documentation, as was submitted for the Pennsic War Point Team, can be found here:
A Late-Night Pinterest Photograph Turned Tangible

Top photo: Extant Norway Strand
Bottom photo: Cailleach's reproduction
Please enjoy a few of the photos of my journey.
#SCA #EastKingdom #SilverBrooch # BroochesGottaBrooch #lampwork #HotGlass #Beads #Norway #ExtantFind #AandS #ArtsAndSciences #AandSCompetition #Competition #NewArt #CailleachDheIngenChiarain #CailleachChiarain #Pennsic #PennsicLI #WarPointTeam